6 Areas Of Your Face That Can Be Improved With Fillers

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Article At A Glance

  • Injectable filler treatments are incredibly versatile and can enhance numerous areas of your face.
  • You can use filler injections to smooth wrinkles, improve facial symmetry, and plump up sagging skin.

You likely recognize that celebrities and influencers regularly undergo cutting-edge cosmetic treatments to retain a naturally youthful appearance. Some of these treatments might seem far-fetched or unobtainable to the average person. However, you can book filler sessions with a qualified medical aesthetician to achieve results similar to those of injectable fillers. 

Dr. James Wang outlines some surprising facial areas you can elevate with this simple, non-surgical cosmetic option.  

Where Can You Use Injectable Filler?

When you think about injectable fillers, you likely envision using them to craft pillow-plump lips. This is among the most common areas clients seek to improve. However, they can elevate some surprising facial areas. 

Your aesthetician can map out the perfect plan to make your face look more youthful, awake, and refreshed. They might even point out some areas you have never considered before. Check out some recommendations below to help your face match the age you feel. 

#1 Mouth

As mentioned above, many people make their lips look fuller and plumper with dermal fillers. You can also use them around the edges of your mouth. Tiny, vertical lines form as you age, starting at the lip line and moving upward. 

If you smoke, drink out of straws, or regularly purse your lips, you can deepen these fine lines, making them look more noticeable. They become more prominent without habit changes or cosmetic treatments. Fillers can iron out these lines, giving you a headstart on a smoother mouth. 

#2 Ear Lobes

Many people forget about their earlobes, especially the area where the lobe meets the side of the head. The aging process causes ear lobes to droop. You might also develop deep creases where your ear attaches to the face. 

Clients often neglect this area, failing to apply sunscreen and other skincare products because they focus more on the front of their faces. Eventually, the ear lobe may not match the youthful radiance you’ve retained through meticulous care. Wrinkle fillers can smooth out these folds, making your earlobes appear rounder and fuller. 

#3 Acne Scars

Severe acne can have devastating effects on your appearance. Deep cystic acne may cause discoloration and pockmarks that penetrate several layers of skin. Plus, some people pick at their breakouts, making the scarring look worse. 

You can’t eliminate these imperfections with the average facial mask or scrub. However, you can fill these marks in with facial fillers. The surface of your skin will look smoother, boasting a more even, glowing complexion and boosting your confidence. 

#4 Jawline

Eventually, the skin on your jaw and chin begins drooping because the tissues connecting your skin to the bone lose their elasticity. These changes can dramatically change the shape and structure of your face. Some people struggle to recognize themselves once these shifts begin. 

Your aesthetician can inject fillers into some areas along the jawline, including the chin. The injectable filler adds volume to the sagging jowls, returning your face to its former glory. You might wake up in the weeks following your treatment, recognizing your face again. 

#5 Eye Area

The skin surrounding your eyes is incredibly delicate and sensitive and sometimes ages more quickly than other areas. You might discover drooping skin just below your eyebrows, crow’s feet extending from the corners of your eyes, and eyebags making you look exhausted, despite how you actually feel. 

Dermal fillers can erase these often unwanted features for months. You’ll look refreshed, awake, and engaged with your surroundings. If you have hollow eyes, you can add volume to add symmetry and make you appear healthier and more alert. 

#6 Cheeks

Perhaps you crave the smooth, sculpted look you once sported in your 20s and 30s. Sagging skin and losing facial fat make your cheeks look worn out and gaunt. Dermal injections can make this area look fuller and rounder. 

As a result, you’ll look more energized. Your facial expressions may also appear more engaged and open to people in social or professional circles. 

Am I a Candidate for Wrinkle Injections?

The average person can likely undergo injection treatments with minimal risks. However, you must meet the following minimal criteria:

  • Age: You must be 18 or older to book a filler appointment. This age limit ensures the client can legally consent and access necessary educational materials. 
  • Health: You must be generally healthy with no current illnesses or concerns. Sometimes, fillers elicit an immune response, which may worsen for people battling illnesses. 
  • Medical history: Some medical conditions may disqualify you from receiving injectables due to how your body could interact with the treatment ingredients and nature. 
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: If you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding, you must wait until after you give birth or wean your baby. 

Your aesthetician or doctor will confirm your candidacy during an initial consultation. 

How Long Do Facial Fillers Last?

Facial fillers generally last up to six months. However, some people enjoy results up to a year after their injections. Longevity depends on:

  • Injection depth: Deeper injections often last longer than more superficial ones. 
  • Injection placement: The injection site significantly influences the treatment longevity. For example, eyelid fillers can last much longer than cheek fillers. 
  • Injection type and brand: Some people only want temporary results, while others crave semi-permanent ones. Your aesthetician can recommend a formula or brand to meet your aesthetic goals. 

Consider how optimal results should look for you and discuss your preferences during your consultation. Your aesthetician can choose the perfect plan based on your experience with dermal fillers and long-term goals. 

Book a Consultation with Dr. James Wang to Boost Your Confidence and Appearance

Ready to learn more about injectable filler treatments? Dr. James Wang can pencil you in for a consultation. Call 312-695-8182 to book an appointment at his clinic. Prepare to glow up and meet the best version of yourself with his professional assistance.

About The Author

Dr. James Wang - Facial Plastic Surgeon

By Dr. James Wang MD PhD

Dr. James C. Wang, MD and Ph.D., is the Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. He graduated with Honors from the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Sciences Program at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas.